Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Doorway to the future

Wow, it has been a long time since the last post. And even longer since the last post with house stuff and pics! So back with some more fun this time.
Tonight I stained the first door. It went pretty easy and actually came out quite well. At first I wasn't sure if it would come out too unnatural looking or what, but it really looks awesome! I can't wait to see these doors on the outside of our house. Definitely worth it.
Soo... probably a lot of stuff has happened since my last post but I can't think of it all right now. Maybe the fumes from staining got to me :)
We cleaned up the garage somewhat. Yes, I know it still looks messy... but it's much LESS of a mess now. We put some stuff in the attic, threw away a bunch, and we took a truckload to these apartments near us where some of the Katrina victims are staying.
Did some more stuff in the kitchen, but nothign significant enough to take a picture of.
Last weekend we went to see my new GREAT nephew. Yes, it is insane. I am now a great uncle, and my sister is a grandma! He's a cutie. He peed on me too! That's good luck!! (or did I make that up?)
I got new tires on my truck. Did I tell you that? Hrm. I'll have to take pictures. I don't think I have any pictures of my truck at all in fact.
OK... probably post more soon b/c I'll finish the doors up. I still have to do the other side of the one I started tonight. Then do the other door, side 1, and then 2. And then we start Tung oiling them. This will take several days, oil, let sit overnight, flip. oil in the morning, let sit all day, flip after work, oil, sit overnight, repeat repeat repeat. We do this until the oil no longer soaks in after sitting. I've been told this could be between 4 and 8 coats of Tung Oil. That's like a week's worth of just oiling. It's worth it though!
Ok shower and then bed.
Oh, I'm reading "Long Way Around" by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman, right now. It's the book to go along with their TV series. They did a round the world trip on motorcycles and had a film crew document it and they wrote a journal type book. It RULES! If you get a chance to check out the TV series, do it. It makes me want to learn how to ride a motorcycle and do a road trip!!!

Stained door left, raw door right

Another view of both doors. after, and before.

A closer view

Another angle

Closeup of the grain

Another view of different grain

You can see that the grain varies quite a bit. Darker on left and lighter on right

A raw door's grain

This one gets done tomorrow!

Read the rest of this post - CLICK here!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, that's one hot door!

~ Kelly Anne

9:41 PM  

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